What Item In Your Inventory Do You Hold Sentimental Or High Value Of?

a stack of >100 old boots as a constant reminder for my failure as an angler

I have around 15 items with vetex original owner tag
I donā€™t really hold sentimental value on my items though

I have like 10 of every item in game lol so I donā€™t know what I am suppose to hold high value too

yeah, I know
but I just keep them around
occasionally I rotate between them

How man scarves do ou have?

Alalelian Dual Daggers

There is pretty much no point in keeping them, as I got many better items, but I sort of had them for the entire game (From the point where I unlocked them)

Axe of Vastira, something my friend gave to me as a Gift and I still have it. Aaaand New Years glasses, because me and Friend formed a Hippie Squad with it. And when Skirts came out, it just got alot worse.

Non existent inside joke-.

My level zero crossbow.

But if weā€™re talking sentimental value, definitely my red valk since I wore it when Roselight was still a weaker guild and it was my first actual style I made.

shouldnt we all hold value to our legendary and mythical rotten fish?

Strong Vistarian Spear. Was the first new item I got when it was added, even enchanted to Strong on the first try. Itā€™s even got my previous username on it, too!

Guess Iā€™ll be saying goodbye to it soon, thoughā€¦

ngl none, because the way of acquiring them is wack

but tbh, maybe the pumkin heads, not sentimental value though I just like them lol

o yea true doe