What Lost (1) and Ancient (1) magic do you think would be the most balanced?


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oh okay thanks

I wonder if we’ll be able to use apotheosis with Phoenix magic

isn’t apotheosis theos’s staff tho

Death would probably have some other DOT like decay or something (by coincidence the thing I looked at for Equinox also mentions decay).
Equinox could get wither but that’s going off of this Trello


I mean decaying and withering are almost the exact same tho and withering would have it relate more to how shadow used to work in AA so

Yeah but decay sounds stronger/faster than wither

decaying actually takes a long ass time to happen so no

Decay happens when you’re already dead so compared to Withering we skipped most of the “falling apart” stuff and went straight to dead or nearly dead
Unless you want to argue decay as a figurative thing then you can argue that as an example of decay

Regardless, let’s agree to disagree and settle on this
Wither would be the gradual decline and weakening of the body (think of it as having parasites, it’ll weaken you and eventually you might begin to decline in health; the decline in health would be our “DoT”)

Decay would be the body weakening overall and in a state of rot (this is straight up necrosis)

The general idea here is that both wither and decay are a declination of something (the weakening of it and eventual decline in health), but decay would have the additional effect of straight up rotting you and breaking you apart immediately. This isn’t over a long time either, this is magic, you will probably look like a zombie or something after fighting a Death Magic/Curse user.

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Of course I’m not against the effect being named either withering or decay, my main point is that I think it would be more likely to be named withering since that’s what shadow’s DoT was in AA

Of course we could both be wrong and death could have some other name for its effect, it’s not gonna be available for another like two years anyways lol



Is this you?

If I was 20 years older yes

Maybe storm magic?

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