What magic do you think is the most BRUTAL to get hit by?

magma, what’s worse than literally melting?

plasma would certainly be hot enough to cause you or at least your clothes to ignite

People forget for things like Magma and acid, they would eventually chew away the nerves. Only the areas outside the wound would hurt after a while, but for things like glass or wood, you’d feel everything.

Of the ones on this list, acid is the worst.

A massive blob of liquid acid splashing over you and searing your entire body with irreparable acid burns, melting your flesh and bones? Also, getting inside your mouth and melting you from the inside out? No thanks.

Magma wouldn’t be as bad as everyone thinks it is. It isn’t a liquid. It’s a solid. It would absolutely fucking suck to be hit by a big ball of magma, but if you can manage to not get trapped under it, you might live. Also, the heat would burn out your nerve endings, so you wouldn’t feel any pain from it.


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death magic
because death

These are all very good points
My thought process behind making this is how physically BRUTAL or mutilating it would be to get hit by one of these, hence why I thought metal and glass were two of the most brutal magics out their
Like seriously imagine being crushed be a metals beam or getting ripped to shreds by some guy throwing balls of glass at you

then you’d just die instantly and not feel pain

While acid makes sense as a contender for the worst. What you said about magma you said with such confidence that I am now concerned. Only thing here that makes any sense at all if you know what magma is would be the nerve endings being incinerated. Anyways, we already have acid inside our own bodies (our stomach) and our bodies can handle some acid for a bit. Now if you drop someone in Piranha Solution then that’s a different story.

Suprised nobody has said lightning between it’s loud as SHIT hit sound and it’s paralysis despite it moving ast as well… lightning it still feels like it hits you like a sledgehammer

Lightning won’t be as brutal as having your flesh stripped away bit by bit by someone using a 20x sand beam or surge.

I just realize, if death magic won’t one shot for balancing purposes, how is it possible we would even survive in the first place?

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