What magic do you think would be the most painful to face irl?

I’m gonna have to go with glass. Getting all sliced up and cut by those shards sounds awful and some are probably gonna get stuck which adds to the pain.


when it comes to raw unmatched agony.
its gotta be either light, acid, or sand.

Light does low damage, blinds you, and moves really fast. All very painful things. If you stare at the sun and get shot simultaneously, should be a good idea of what getting hit by a light attack would be like.
Acid is… its acid, do I need to explain?
Sand is… Well, you know how paper cuts hurt alot? Imagine that but instead its thousands of tiny particles moving all around you each slicing into your skin ever so slightly. God forbid it gets in your eyes (like it does literally every hit).

Probably something like explosion. Imagine having your flesh being charred and burnt off of your bones… pretty gruesome and painful.

Magma or acid


You’d die so fast you wouldn’t feel anything

oh yea can’t forget snow and ice as really painful magics.
the feeling of your skin freezing kinda sucks.

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Ash, Acid, Plasma, Poison

not if you use it right

magma, you wouldn’t need to be hit for it to still hurt. either that or acid because it splashes all over the place.

Why ash and poison?

Breathing burning ash will make your lungs burn and breathing poison will cause long lasting pain

Personally, getting struck by a literal ball of lightning that is at least as big as my head would be hella to mortally painful

Someone should convince Vetex to have magic apply realistic damage. Say bye-bye to your limbs, eyes and flesh.


Glass going to be painful but imagine being slowly burnt apart by aether

acid and glass

isn’t magic just magic energy that is “pretending” to be the element? so fire magic is just sort of warm if a level one player uses it

Does that mean ice magic is warm?