What magic do you think would be the most painful to face irl?

no, ice magic is slightly cold at low levels and gets colder the stronger the caster is

magic energy that is mimicking ice wouldn’t be warm

Energy = heat
Magic = energy
Ice magic = hot


No need for fire magic anymore, ice can do it all

I feel like both light, and shadow would be more painful than other stuff. Most heat magics? People can get burns, it’s something most are somewhat familiar with. Cold magics? Not as common, but cold is something that people can know. Solid magics? Just normal injuries.
But light and shadow? We don’t have a point of reference for being hurt with those. It’s entirely unfamiliar. And pain of a type that you haven’t experienced before, as far as I know, is worse than more extreme forms of something you’ve felt before.

Wait really? When was that stated? Never knew there’s depths to magic besides the whole chaos lore lol

idk if the webtoon is canon but
Screenshot 2023-06-03 144110
(context: trigno (magma curse guy) is talking to juniper (a light magic girl) and he is telling her about curses)

ohhh no wonder thanks lol

Poison, getting choked or gassed whatever

Unpopular opinion but- wood. Just imagine getting splinters all over yourself. How long would it take to take all of those out? It would definitely be painfully annoying.


it’s either ice or fire, ice because if you’re frozen you just stand in there, suffering in absurdly low temeperatures until it melts and fire because, well, you’re burning alive, so your eyes, skin and other tissue will melt before you die, along with your skin being infinitely more sensitive to everything around you from the burns.

Another one I just thought of is crystal. Most of those crystals are sharp and it’s a slow magic so they also probably weigh quite a bit. Also, this is another small detail, but if you hit someone with a crystal blast, smaller pieces of the crystal actually end up getting stuck in them (not like that get your head out of the gutter). So, crystal actually impales you too.

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poison, ash, and acid would absolutely suck
all those DOT magics would just prolong your death

i’d probably say lightning, glass, wood, plasma & metal would be the most painful
(all other heat magics as a runner up)

magma, you slowly melt as you fight it would be like trying to fight the sun

Glass causes splinters as well while being more painful…

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Acid :100:

almost all of the heat magics(including acid)

steam magic(the steam magic, the steam magic is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal)(but seriously this actually hurts a ton)

and uh yeah
i thin k

also if you’re afraid of the dark shadow

wood cause yk splinters hurt like hell