What magics would you like to see in the game and what type would they be?

I would like to see vacuum magic or however you guys would like to call it, it can work like might guy evening elephant move from Naruto if you don’t know about it google it up it can be a lost magic or ancient. Flower magic from what we learn in the lore t magics became way more mutated so it make sense for flower magic to be a common magic, it can have color variation of each color since there is basically flower of any color the status effect of it can be bleed and any heat related magic can be its counter or maybe make it stronger. (imagine sunflower magic lol)

space magic

interesting a magic that stores clashes for later use to deal more dammage
i would also love if space magic would allow you to compress space allowing you to walk from island to island instead of sailing (you gain the ability to double/have the scale of the world)
if you double the scale everything becomes twice as big (except your ship) which means that for all intents and purposes you are slower
or you shrink the world which makes you alot faster this would also be funny if i could pull other players into my scaled world, wind magic them to munera then un-scale them leaving them stranded 2 islands away with wind magic instead of just 1

warping space is one of my favourite parts of space magics, but i didn’t think it would fit with the spell creating system, so i tried something that could take affect from any spell

tho ig it could work by making the target either bigger or smaller when hit by a spell

and using both would have their up/down sides
Bigger Target = more dammage from said target but easier to hit
so you could half your size and double the enemy size making you hard to hit but the other guy easy to hit
David v. Goliath

if it works on the environment it could be useful, making walls bigger or taking away the opponent’s ground/cover

i can imagine a fight where you are trying to grow the enemy
but you miss and the rock behind them is suddently twice as big

flower/pollen magic

imagine if you had to match pollen to the enemy
cause their allergies to flare and that causes them to just flat out die from asphysxication as they choke to death on the pollen

Gluttony magic. Blasts of gas or energy that make the target lose massive amounts of food to the point of starvation.

Well ain’t that a dandy coincidence, I made a concept for that a VERY long time ago:

That’s cool my concept is more like a wind magic visual wise.

Personally, I’d be curious to see a type of magic that’s almost literally raw arcanum- perhaps it would cause temporary sanity effects on the target, but likely never above Insanity 1 or 2. Alternatively, it could be a magic that doesn’t inflict a status effect at all, but may compensate for it by having a high base damage.

I also wouldn’t mind seeing the concept of Star Magic- perhaps a lost variant of Light Magic that deals additional damage and may paralyze a target instead of blinding them. I really wouldn’t mind being able to replicate Comet Azur, either.

Napalm Magic to synergize well with fire

Honestly, I don’t know what napalm is but now that I’ve checked your idea is probably the best idea I’ve seen so far and surprisingly I’ve always wanted to have a power that lets me throw fire balls and they stick to the enemy like a jelly and in every game I’ve played and your idea is really similar to that.


a highly flammable sticky jelly used in incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, consisting of gasoline thickened with special soaps.

Ya I did my research.

Ink I want it back why was it the one magic I planned to main removed?

Force Magic yes.

ink is kinda random tho lol