What OC best fits with yourself?

What is an OC (Including one from AO or whatever) best fits with you (Personality, likes, similarity, ETC)?

(I do have one but its actually one of my incomplete ones)

…most likely my main or only oc, Arden Sailor…

she’s literally me and a fucking metamancer… she breaks the 4th wall…

Mostly my Angel Creed file for the calm demeanor that I mostly always have.


the story i made for my ao character have everything i lack so probably not my ao character, the protagonist from the secret original novel i write fit me more probably

What is oc?


Reason: Typ.

The fog is coming.
The fog is coming.
The fog is coming.
The fog is coming.
The fog is coming.
The fog is coming.
The fog is coming.


Corrina honestly.

She’s the one with ADHD, super easy to stimulate depending on the topic, she paces around the area when she’s bored, super inattentive and clumsy, and really lacks talents besides being “Cute” and “lovable.”

hmm which one

sage tho since they have my favourite magics in order and are gonna get gravity and pressure magic


Arcane odyssey NFTs :sob:

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ew i’d never

what did it use to be

“ew i’d never”

To be honest the two oc files that I have (Frida Ivanov and Eleanor Creed) have the same relatability on different aspects. For their personalities I got inspired from my different traits and moods with a slight exaggeration. I relate to them both :orange_heart::purple_heart:

possibly my main file january light.
they have the chaotic energy due to their fire magic. i love them sm theyre so me

My main file, Maddox Gates. Cowardly, loves sour stuff, and not exactly the smartest.

how is this guy the POLAR OPPOSITE to my Maddox Browne.

No like it’s not funny this guy is literally the reverse version of Maddox in every way.

well… i like my seb the fem
but theyre not supposed to fit with me. It’s like a 2nd perspnality(an excuse for roleplaying xd)

Evil Maddox

The gang has been desperately trying to get Maddox into therapy but he insists otherwise.