What reagents make the longest lasting potions, and where do I get them?

I don’t get potions too well, all I know is that those fancy cauldrons in the dark sea make them last longer.

Dark Sea Essentia gives the longest time of 1hr~ effects (Luck potion scaling) when it’s gilded.

Golden pearls that are gilded give around 17~ minutes of effects

Cauldrons that are gilded give around 30~ minutes of effects

Time varies depending on the potion being used

How do I get the stuff to make cauldrons

you find golden cauldrons in the dark sea, layer 3 and beyond i think

Cauldrons can be made by killing jellyfish at those underwater structures, however, these jellyfish use terrain destruction properties to destroy them so I recommend on like a high explosive magic

Would a vindicator on top of them work?

oh brews

What do you mean by the vindicator here?

Like would devastate work?

It could probably work but you gotta test that yourself on that part
it shouldn’t be too hard to destroy jellyfish

Alright, well thank you appreciate it

surpsingly even snow magic is able to destroy them if you get close enough even though snow isn’t supposed to work underwater, no luck with ice for though

Jellyfish flesh at this point is just racist to magics

Just look here:

  1. Drinkables: vial → flask → potion → elixir. Catalysts: common shoreline items → uncommon → rare → exotic.
    These have long lenght but can only be used once and only on yourself.
  2. Throwables: burst → greatburst and nova → supernova. Difference between the two pairs is that novas shatter on contact with the sea. Catalysts: pinecones and sky pinecones for bursts, star coral and sunken element for novas. These have short lenght but can be thrown at someone, ofc you won’t hit them bc of shit aim. Also the potion itself will do small damage on hit, regardless of the effect.
  3. Lingering: essence → aura. They apply their effect 8 (16) times in an area where they have landed. Catalysts: island cloud extract and dark sea essentia. These have short lenght on one apply, but can stack so if all ticks of the potion will give you the effect, the overall duration will almost rival brews.
  4. Brew. Catalyst is jellyfish flesh. You can place this as a cauldron and drink up to 5 times, or can share with party members. If you drink all 5 portions alone, you will get the longest possible effect duration, though you can’t stack the effects, so need to wait for previous one to end.
  5. Gel. Catalyst is whale blubber. Apply this to your hands and your opponents will suffer from each hit you do. All gels have duration of 3 minutes, but the duration of the effect applied on the opponent is very short.

What are the exotic shoreline items and where do I find them?

There is only one of them, the golden pearl

Okay is there a specific place it spawns more often, like in the dark sea or does it spawn on every shoreline?

Well, you can find it on any shoreline, but in the dark sea its spawn rate is much higher

Alright cool thanks

It is insanity 0 through 1 gives silver cauldrons and insanity 2 and beyond gives gold cauldrons