What’s rowing on here?

The change went though nice! This will be pretty brig for looting!


Can anyone help me ketch up on what this means for the game?

You’re all horrible.

Whatever floats your (row)boat

You’re (still) all horrible.

No need to be angry, let’s keep this topic sailing smooth

You’re (still) (still) all horrible.

Please don’t sink are comfortable discussion

Before you ask, I don’t know how(itzer) we make such bad puns.

Please. Stop.

Never. You canno(n)t stop me.

thats mor(tar) where that came from!

Sometimes I feel like we’re just ramming words together to make these jokes!

this topic just keeps getting brigger and brigger! and the jokes aren’t even funny! HOW(itzer) we got here?

Rudder you even talking about? The jokes here are amazing!

We don’t even try anymortar. Theres no point in shoe(coe)horning jokes in.

These jokes are going to cause a mast-extinction

I apologise for decking everyone out with the topic and capabilities for these puns.

hully shit! Now that’s a good joke!

@Divanochi can we split a split topic

to split this into “really terrible arcane odyssey puns”

The name of the topic is a pun.