What’s something that you miss from the previous games (AA, WoM, etc.) that isn’t in AO?

Your wish is granted

yooo i forgot about this
i also remember that someone on cirrus island mentions how theos is now worshipped as a religion

Kinda miss being 5 years younger and having nothing better to do, lol


I miss the freeform style story WOM had. Being some random nobody running around and exploring was more fun than being a chosen one with a grand destiny.

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weapon clashing

I miss the original Ultimates, they really felt powerful and devastating unlike the uh… “Ultimate Art” or whatever, big size and slightly more damage yay. Maybe when more lost spells come out and if we get to have an Ultimate Art pulsar lol.

I miss the special NPCs who would whoop your ass if you even come close to them like Kraken, Trigno and Averill, it captured that the world is big and your not the only one who is special.
(I’ll make a suggestion similar to this.)

I also miss mini bosses in WoM, they are similar to what I said above.
(Again I’ll make a suggestion for this in the future.)

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the combat and the town threat theme
most of the islands don’t have music, so why not give them some when you’re bounty hunting?

also the magic council themes, but you’d be hearing them all the time if you have notoriety

random structures are coming back so i feel like these will come back as well

also rivals and max level npcs kinda act like minibosses (until you get good enough to beat their ass)

From wom i miss fighting minotaur, exiled, and King David Silver, and the fact david was the first king that u can just fight for no reason and for fun.

But he uncanon and now in a world of non existence

Biggest thing I miss is the separate villain storyline that wom was going for
though tbf AOs storyline is pretty morally grey, since you literally collapse the government but it’s also to stop the magic Illuminati or something

From AA? Whales, white eyes being mythically rare and a creature that’s actually meant to be avoided, magic specific weapons, and most of all permafrost.

From WoM? The continent. That’s mostly it. Praying for the day someone continues the continent and one day finishes the entire thing

Fishing and chilling with groups of random people. That’s one of the only things that helped me keep my sanity when trying to get sunkens.

tiers still exist they’re just not extremely obvious or as pronounced like AA was as of yet.

pure mages go up to tier 2/3 atm iirc.

to the topic at hand tho, i don’t really miss any of the things from the previous games all too much other than the deep sfx of t5 light q and t3 divine shower beam at the end.

would be nice to see aether/ spells based off AA aether come back, aetherial ornament is funny to snipe someone w/ a nuke. especially w/ strong blast lost spell if it will still happen where it’s basically aether lightning’s charging q.

good memories. Also joining a server and the first thing you see is the tower in ruins.

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