What’s the best first magic for a mage?

self explanatory title

the one you think is coolest


I dunno which is coolest, lol (since most seem cool)

just choose the one you like the best

light or lightning (definitely not biased )

depends on the synergy you want as a mage

orange, but if stats then shadow or wind or water

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just do what you prefer best tbh

Shadow, water, wind, or light are some of the best pvp magics depending on how you use them.
If you are completely new to the game go with shadow.

Go with what you like

probably gold, paper, or ink :innocent:

shouldnt mage just be abusing the fact that synergys exist

magma(9) or water(7) maybe? they remove the most status effects if that’s more what your looking for

Depending on what will be your next ones

Crystal obviously (I’m half joking) it’s probably not the best stat wise, but it has some good synergies and has a good effect basically also synergizing with itself

All in all probably not the best but one of the more interesting first magics

(I am in no way biased)

Pick your first magic with your second magic in mind. Make sure they synergize. Or, at the very least, make sure there aren’t any negative synergies. Don’t pick fire and water, for instance. Other than that, pick whatever magic you find the most aesthetically appealing and works with your play style. There will always be some meta combination of magics that gives you a slight advantage, but chasing the meta is no fun. Pick what you want to pick.

Also the idea of partying with a bunch of people with crystal to rain hell, shattering, and hemorrhaging onto your enemies is absolutely amazing. (Throw in a metal user spamming minimum size blasts for added pain)

Shadow obviously

Pick atleast one of you two magics that works in water, otherwize you will have a big problem with sea creatures

Didn’t vetex at some point take a suggestion from a person to get rid of negative synergies from magics that come from the same person to help get rid of some combo limitations?
(if a user had fire and water they wouldn’t nerf each other, but if one user had fire and another water they would limit each other)

or am I misremembering?