What’s the biggest island in the game currently?

I can’t tell if the biggest island is either sameria or the epicenter or Ravenna. I know Sameria is bigger than Ravenna but in terms of height Ravenna’s Mount Caesar is taller!?!? Also what about the Epicenter since there is no map of the Epicenter bc it is in dark sea. I don’t know if it’s bigger than othrys either

mount othrys

I don’t have enough warding to go into insanity 5 so can someone please go and take a picture of the Epicenter from a horizontal angle, and if possible, a vertical angle??

Just double checking bc I don’t know if epicenter is bigger than othrys

epicenter is in insanity 4 I thought

Maybe in both insanity 4 and 5?

I only have warding 3 anyways

it’s in insanity 4 and sameria is bigger

What does epicenter look like me never been there

It’s mount othrys bro

mango island (those who know :smiling_imp: )

Epicenter is so big it’s pretty much impossible to see the whole thing, even with clearsight V
Its a giant circle with a diameter between 1-2x the length of mount othrys so def the biggest ingame


From what I can tell by my most recent visit to the epicentre I think it’s actually Othrys. The Epicentre is huge but I think othrys’ length overall takes the win.

I mean from an aerial view it seems a lot bigger


I won’t even ask how

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Probably wind mage fling whilst using that one dark sea fog bug

your mom

Y’know for such a powerful blast you’d think Acheron’s nuke would have made Britain completely unrecognizable, but here we can see it looks exactly the same as it’s unexploded irl counterpart. The nuke did absolutely nothing to it.


epicenter’s so lame vetex legit just recolored the volcanoes from the ds and removed the lava then duplicated them multiple times and gave them different sizes