What’s Your Genuine Opinion of Rb1?

I don’t think I need to introduce the subject of this conversation—almost everyone still active knows who Rb1 is. Nevertheless, below is a quick refresher on the subject.

Rb1, else called Robert Boyle, was a user that once went by the name of @morden , who was banned from the forum a while ago. Since then, he has made several alt accounts to hop back on the forum, generally with the intent to cause chaos.

Over countless repetitions and alternative accounts, he became memetic throughout the forum. To the point where most users have at least heard of him. To our knowledge, the majority of these accounts have been banned, as Rb1 made no significant effort to hide them.

Thus, I ask: what do you think of Rb1’s actions? Funny? Annoying? Going too far? Please remember in discussing this: keep the conversation civil.

He’s a fine guy, I’d rather he not cause annoyances like he does.

I’ve only really known him as the wiki admin until he got banned for some reason
I’m more or less neutral, he did ban me once but it was completely justified as I was being an absolute idiot
I do judge his decision of New year’s mass unbanning, however. Although I am also salty about FANDOM’s 3-month-for-first-offense ban, I believe it was a stupid thing, considering what was happening just a week before. Basically, a user called Fikometriko, who was frankly more rb1 in your definition than rb1 was, was unbanned. I have no idea what originally happened, but he started mass necroposting, harassing a mod and people in general, until all AO wikians left for the OC wiki. Fiko was banned again after some 3 days and the incident was cleared up. The ban was permanent too.
That is, until the unbanning happened. That sociopathic bastard wasn’t punished even a week, but lo and behold, he was already unbanned. And where his permaban was supposed to be reinstalled came only a short punishment. He came back at least one more time before being rebanned, and after that reported people for absurd stuff that still lead to fandom bans.
Because rb1 couldn’t euthanize that little gremlin’s account on spot, he continued to terrorize people for another 4 months or so before we got his entire account deleted.

To be honest it seems less like he’s actively malicious, and more like he just has 0 filter on what he does. If he thinks it’s funny, it’s going on to the internet.

He actually seems to have at least some good intentions, as the mentoring he gave our wiki was genuine, although he did leak patreon and then get banned :skull:


sounds like a question rb1 would say if he was testing the waters to see if he could return with public support…


I hate him and his bloodline.

i like messaging his alts
so i guess he’s okay in my eyes

Idk what he did specifically to get banned, other than that he’s a pretty chill guy and doesn’t bother “me”. If others are annoyed of him, well ig?

Im married to robert boyle the first

can confirm

Personally, I’ve held a disdain for the guy since he derailed Mirage’s character redesign topic.

rb1 is my least favorite alt

i have no real opinion on rb1
but i genuinely hate constantly seeing “hi rb1” or some shit to new users, genuinely gets annoying after the 30th time


Maybe, but it’s never the 30th time for the new users is it?

rb1 gives me food to eat water to drink and a roof to sleep under I love the guy

Robert Boyle 1 will be last seen boiling in a pot of oil.

Yea he’s chill


To you, it was derailment, but to rb1, it could’ve been a vital step in saving the world from a disaster…

who knows? what if in an alternate timeline, rb1 didn’t message in that art thread? and because of the butterfly effect, a nuclear plant somewhere in Japan had a meltdown?

truly, a modern hero of our time fr… :fist: :triumph: