Personally, mine would most likely be my Light Paladin. She has over 225 Attack Speed and Agility, along with Intensity that lowers attack cooldowns somewhat noticeably. My play style is also riddled with hit-and-runs.
On the downside, it feels like it costs 200 Health to Fire a 20-Blast for 4 seconds.
Could only get somewhat close on Gear Builder, but I believe it’s the full Ice Armor set, a Resistance Amulet, and an Ice Arcsphere or Bracelet, all with two Azurites, the Resilient enchantment, and the Abyssal Modifier.
Abyssal isn’t on the Gear Builder yet, hence why I could only get close.
gotta be my (unfinished) ash conjurer
sunken sword on an ash conj is surprisingly good bc for some reason scalded buffs ash’s damage by 25%, which i think applies to the ash clouds that do 29 damage every like hundredth of a second, also it has like 160 power and can just decide to fill a battlefield with smog that melts faster than a max power metal surge