What’s your problem with the storyline?

Not sure where I heard this but apparently the dark sea is gonna have little to no story relevance at all and that’s disappointing to me tbh.

I like to imagine in lore dark sea expeditions take weeks to months of exploring and so on plus imagine the scenarios our characters could be in

Another thing I dislike is how little time we spend with the group seems like we have a constant need to split up and it gets annoying ngl. It feels like we barely spend time with them so it’s like we know the on a surface level tbh.

Those are just my two cents on the story rn what are yours?


Story’s pretty okay, it just takes a while to get going

Vetex writes dialogue strangely, characters talk in paragraphs, sometimes essays even, with odd pauses but otherwise it is still understandable, it’s just a lot a lot of words, and some people have mentioned that they would like more “show, don’t tell”


Yeah I’d definitely love to see that

my question is how the fuck do we make our galleons and where do we put all our old ships. No shot we have the same rowboat/sailboat the entire game, and I’d assume the mc gets the ships around the level listed in game, so where do they come from and where do they go, cotton eye j-

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Its kinda implied that side quests actually happen alongside main story, so thats probably where they got their galleons from. (I headcanon that MC is actually has above average money and that they may or may not be rich)

I’d imagine they have a system in place where people give away their old boats when they no longger have any use og them. It probs happens all the time. If MC didnt use it for too long, someone could probs reuse it.

Also, I have another headcanon that Morden, Iris and Neviro actually got a new ship for MC in that one month timeskip during the Prison Arc. As they knew they would get chased by Ravenna.


Yeah, this might need to get fixed later. I think in Nimbus Sea, it might be more understandable as apparently we’re getting 3 other members, which may mirror the first 3 in Bronze Sea.

This also brings up another thing I really want to be implemented. Seeing other characters’ perspectives. Morden’s section of the story after MC got captured actually leaves room for a perspective switch as Morden only meets Neviro and Iris AFTER our section of the Prison Arc is done on the timeline.

It doesnt have to be long, it can just be a really short section for a time. Maybe it doesnt even have to be us playing as Morden, he could leave all of it in a cutscene-

I dont think it should be restricted to just the player. I understand Vetex wants us to be in the same perspective as the MC, but you could leave out some important moments that makes us closer to the other characters and potentially miss parts of their developement. Just thinking.


why did nobody mention yet that all of these ravenna nobles and generals are literally out of nowhere so the order tips and pretty much everything up to fort talos makes almost no sense, ig its not supposed to since we are doing random shit but then iris just points out how much ravenna sucks and we never get another perspective except AFTER we kill argos (revon).

still, nothing has value except us chasing iris like a simp and then stumbling into ren who tells us what order of aesir is and then we wipe the floor with elius because we thought he will tell us something

we just needed some frostmill lore where they yap about how the king is cool and how his generals are strong or something, made the same way elius talks about curses (i mean an extra camera shot of the royals and generals hanging out)


The Keraxe… What they did to the pure innocent souls of Port Mistral… THOSE EVIL HELMET WEARING HORNED CRAZY VIKINGS…

On the more serious note… I wish the bronze sea order members had a bigger build up, yknow? Calvus maybe been obvious… But i wouldve loved if they expanded on his charismatic exterior some more with more NPC dialogue directed at him…

Maybe somethung different for Mr. Argos! But i am very postove vetex will probably make some good order reveals in the nimbus sea, as we are focused on da war!


Not enough Ruby roger
We only see him twice in the entire story


so far. imagine he ends up being extremely relevent later down the road.

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i don’t have lots of gripes, just the pacing is odd sometimes. we go from travelling through ravenna, fighting off an entire legion, alongside the king, and awaken our true power, and then all the sudden we’re harpooned by some random pirates and get taken into an (albeit extremely major) national ordeal.

but the pacing makes sense i guess. i doubt the order’s gotten it completely through their heads how much of a threat we’ll be, and as we venture more and kill off their members, the pacing will probably kick off.

it’s just like pre-timeskip one piece if i had to make a comparison. bumpy road, but the good moments are soooo good, and the “bad” moments are usually just meh. not terrible. not like i’ll be ripping my eyes and ears out. just meh.

as the story continues things’ll happen, more people and concepts will be introduced, and we’ll all enjoy it. there probably won’t be as many balance changes or major new features to add, either, so vetex will be able to focus on the story and nothing else (to a degree of course)


dude who is this swansong guy why do they yap so much :sob:

Considering the mc is supposed to be morally gray I thought we might dabble in some illegal acts for the extra cash

Showing more perspectives could add more depth to the plot plus I wanna see how tf morden got his death curse lol

yeah everyone knows the odrer stuff was bullshit and had no build up but Argos is still an awesome boss

honestly i hope vetex is open to the idea of chapter rewrites to fix things up

i like to think we’re all pirates who steal from the high and mighty, no matter if our renown is high or not.

like, slightly more morally-righteous pirates

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yeah, so basically the strawhats which I don’t have a problem with it lol

yeah exactly what i was thinking. we’re all our own little luffys, building up crews from random people we find from broken kingdoms and various villages.

this would be kinda cool. just small tweaks. it’d just take a lot of time if we’re talking taking out entire scenes. at that point a skip button would just be easier. but if you mean changing dialogue or something then that’s doable.

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The 5 million plotholes and logistical issues:

Iris ending up a km away from the location i defeated her on.

I’m not really that much informed on the story right now, I don’t play AO as much as I did (but I’m still playing and pvping) but the main thing I noticed from the get-go is that the pacing is “weird” and the dialogue of characters seem to be a mixture of essays and info dumps, I don’t know.

I think it’s okay for most of it’s parts, but I feel like there’s not enough tension or mood to really drag the player into the story, but maybe this is just a me thing.

And also sort of off-topic, but I do hope that Vetex doesn’t overuse the “characters being separated” shtick because I just had a feeling the story’s gonna go this way again and again, I genuinely want more character-to-character interaction, you know, like that Windrow campfire scene with Iris.

Oh and I think this is just a personal thing, but I do hope Vetex explores more of his main cast’s personality, because the way I see it, almost every important character will just be talking entirely about the War Seas, you get what I mean?

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It could be that the battle ends up extending to that area, as intense battles dont always stay in the same place. I once discovered you can actually relatively close to that area while fighting her without losing aggro iirc

Or maybe Im misremembering with Elius.

Someone could test lol

Now that I think about it… I think the likeliest explanation is that so we wont get aggroed by the boss when we get out of the cutscene