Right now my Mage is in a pretty okay spot with its current gear, although I want to change it because I feel like the attack size flat-out carries me through most fights. It also doesn’t help how Water is my primary Magic and how I haven’t changed a thing since non-Atlantean modifiers were added.
Bad news is that I don’t know if I should keep the remaining Attack Size or get rid of it completely. I know it’s nice to have, but I don’t want so much size that I rely on it too much.
The jaundiced hand haunts me. Every time I make a casual build, it gets its grimy little fingers on it somehow.
If I should get rid of the attack size, then what do I replace the Sunken Iron Chestplate with? I was HOPING I’d get a Sunken Warrior chest with my last pity, but all I got was my third pair of Iron Boots.
SW chest is certainly reasonable as lightning would be even faster with the additional atk speed. Maybe a Cernyx chest would be good (literally discount SW)
I think you can change your arcaniums by trading them to a friend, having them equip it to change the imbuement, then trading it back to yourself so you have a 50/50 of getting the one you want