What should I change on this Mage build?

Right now my Mage is in a pretty okay spot with its current gear, although I want to change it because I feel like the attack size flat-out carries me through most fights. It also doesn’t help how Water is my primary Magic and how I haven’t changed a thing since non-Atlantean modifiers were added.

I’m running Water and Lightning.





wait… you’re unironically running intensity???

I was just trying to get a build that could work. Not one that was, you know, good.

I wanted to use some Lightning Arcanium instead, but I was too lazy to work around that.

Don’t do intensity man…

Good news, I got that tapeworm off.


Bad news is that I don’t know if I should keep the remaining Attack Size or get rid of it completely. I know it’s nice to have, but I don’t want so much size that I rely on it too much.

Thank God the goofy yellow fist is gone.

You are lightning mage right? I’d recommend getting rid of atk size if that’s the case as lightning is pretty small.

The jaundiced hand haunts me. Every time I make a casual build, it gets its grimy little fingers on it somehow.

If I should get rid of the attack size, then what do I replace the Sunken Iron Chestplate with? I was HOPING I’d get a Sunken Warrior chest with my last pity, but all I got was my third pair of Iron Boots.

SW chest is certainly reasonable as lightning would be even faster with the additional atk speed. Maybe a Cernyx chest would be good (literally discount SW)

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Also I like the agility bc it helps you zone as a mage

I keep forgetting that Cernyx exists.

I think you can change your arcaniums by trading them to a friend, having them equip it to change the imbuement, then trading it back to yourself so you have a 50/50 of getting the one you want

Dw so do I

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exchange some power for a little more defense

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