What should the :st3: react be used for

So, st3 or the :st3: emoji was basically used as this intangible “based” react, for when something is ironic or funny or cool or something, the problem is that this is the exact niche a moyai react fills, which begs the question, what should the new use for the st3 react be?

after I get a couple suggestions imma make a poll to decide
poll again cuz the first one was broken

  • Praise be to vetex!
  • Change the moai reacts definition instead
  • make it a stand in for a “bad” react cuz the mods refuse to add that
0 voters

I always thought of :st3: as a way to reference vetex, since it’s his pfp

what does that even entail

I’ve always seen it as a “hell yeah, bruther”
I use the moyai react for a sort of “damn bruther, you got the whole squad laughing”.

yeah but its clearly unironic in popular usage
basically every post with a couple of moyai reacts have some st3 reacts too

for example when somebody complains about the inconsistent updates, or the fact that only a few of all of the balances changes proposed by bteam are added, I’d react with :st3: , bc that’s just how vetex be


anyone else have any suggestions

:st3: is :fire:

Always has been, always will be.


tech then adds a fire react the next day

:st3: will then be an almighty praide to Vetex

:moyai:is :neutral_face: too

Glad I could clear this up

to be honest this post is now a showcase of how we have 0 defined use of :st3:

you should :lightning_magic_var1: yourself… NOW!!!

perfect, 10/10 idea, absolute cinema even

I use it if I see something cool, or if a mod strikes someone down

that’s exactly the issue, that’s what moyai is generally used for too

first poll broke so I made a second updated one

No it really isn’t, :moyai: has always meant bruh while :st3: has always meant :fire:

I’ve seen like 6 people explain it and theyve all said it means different things

are completely different