What song do you hate so much you want to rip your ears off

I somehow agree with this random non


Also I don’t necessarily hate this song, but I’ve listened to Universal Collapse so many times I get no joy from hearing it and want it off right away every time it starts. It’s a good song, but I’ve heard it too many times to be good for me.

ngl it all abt the skill of da rapper. some of them spew random shit but others make it line up and rhyme and r on beat

While I do not necessarily hate this song that much, many other people do. One look at the comments of video is evident of that. (This was from their first album, they’ve obviously gotten better since then)

Which song am I referring to? Thirsty by AJR

Remixes of any songs and kid songs.

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If you play a song that’s meant for little kids and little kids only chances are I’m going to hate it.

And when I say little kids I mean BABIES. INFANTS. FRESHLY BIRTHED FETUSES. The songs meant for this demographic are the same crap over and over again. They all have this high-pitched obnoxious sound and the background music isn’t any better.

If the infants do like it, hey, I won’t get in their way. But as for myself I hate them

Any and all nightcore, I don’t care if you have an osu! addiction and don’t even know how to cook beans without a microwave, it is all trash

oh my god i am so tired of megalovania.
it had gotten so overused to the point where i just hate it at this point.

Oh? The thread’s back?

I don’t like most of the recent music that’s been playing on the radio. It feels like something’s missing from them.

But if there’s a song that I absolutely despise then it’d be Piropi.

i cannot put into words with how much i hate piropi.

the worst part is that whenever i go to a family party they play that song at full blast.

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Music that mostly consist of samples or lazy covers.

amen break jumpscare