What stat affects the range of destruction?

I’d like to make a build to create the next ice age, which I’ve been experimenting with in test universe. This is due to my idea being added, which is ice, snow, and sand coating the ground when it makes destruction.

So, what would make a single attack coat the most ground in ice? I’m assuming (correct me if I’m wrong), but I believe Attack Size would increase the area of the impact, therefore resulting in a wider area of effect, and therefore more ice coating. However, I’ve also heard Intensity increases the amount of ice coating and destruction itself.

Do any of you guys know? Of course I’ll be running destruction gems, at least.

im unsure if this would be the same, but i think intensity increased my earth magic’s rubble, so it should do the same for snow/sand/whatever else.

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Yeah, though I’m trying to focus on the terrain coating rather than the ice cubes. Do you know what would make more fire appear from one fire blast? If so, that same logic should apply to the ice coat

I’ll test this rn on my ice attack size build, brb

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0 attack size

Attack size 151
(did my attack size get buffed this update?)

I can confirm magic size does not affect the ice coating effect.

Also, you can freeze trees, cool


dont you remember mim’s clip with a shit ton of intensity where he instantly created a crater the diameter of a ketch every leap?

no idea how that affects coating tho


… attack size

Do you know what that build was?

idk maybe he said it after the clip Discord

Nevermind, I figured it out. This shit is so broken that I’m gatekeeping.

release the clip. stop having it be closed

If I could access discord at school, I would post the image here right now.

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