What the hell is acid conj cooking bro 😨

Most imbues on this list are pretty reasonable:

All of em gots their flaws and whatnot but still work

And then there’s acid.

1.7x, with no speed or size penalties.

I’m scared.

we should nerf thermolord to compensate for this!


oh yea and there’s also poison which is just even more chronically braindead (which is pretty insane considering I usually like poison based builds but this is absurd)

the damage reduction is like basically a slap on the wrist if anything

this is truly a balance team moment

but most the time it will get reaflicted so it doesn’t ever do that much in one attack (but if you hit someone with 2000 damage they will die without hitting them a second time)

doesn’t really aid the fact that acid and poison have absolutely obscene damage potential

oh yeah potential is busted. at least for poison though that potential will be difficult to obtain

I’ve wanted to turn my explosion conjuror into a poison conjuror for ages and I’m glad to hear I’ll still be called a metamancer for picking the magic I like the look of lol.

Assuming the magic reset whateveritis gets added within the next century!

good thing im playing fire mage in that scenario, shits never gonna be meta. this is both a bad and good thing actually


Wasn’t this meta like ages ago?

Yeah i think hes looking at some old wiki acid conj been nerfed

so you’re telling me the wiki is innacurate? well where the barnacles am I supposed to find all the updated and correct magic imbue damage calcs?

Its outdates tbh u just had to of been keeping up with balance documents. U can try digging around in balance cord for the older docs

that is… really… not good :skull:

there needs to be a better way to document changes

Didn’t they put it on a trello not that long ago because the balance documents were horrible to read through?

yeah idk i been on trello and there’s still more updates in balance cord than there is in the trello so idk what they’re process is tbh

I mean you’ve also gotta understand that this dot is gonna win you in the long term but if you’re opponent knows what to do and you’re not running agility it’s kinda just over for you because you are getting out damaged in the short term most likely

Pretty sure they still use Google sheets for that but I haven’t checked it in a bit

As an acid conj and my clan leader being poison conj, they are indeed, kinda cracked