What the hell

whats going on

whole ass assassin syndicate meetup

Current objective: survive

Navy marine vs Overseer and his 4 cronies

the marine is a savant too :sob:
overseer left but if they ever fought bro would be cooked lmao

@Derp quit ao

God this reminds me of the time I was alone in a server with 4 people in a clan - @sock and I were about to play but they went to use the restroom so I sat there, wondering how in god’s name I’m going to survive against 4 NEGATIVE RENOWN CLAN MEMBERS on my level 53 warrior (at the time)

Im not even joking literally yesterday i got ganked by like 3 members of the same clan at once. For some reason i went into fight or flight, so my heart rate was really high and i was panicking so i just jumped jnto the water and hid under there ship. They still got me since they had massive aoe. Cant really blame them though since im the leader of a clan and have 150k bounty

dude that happened to me with this clan called scarlet, like I was minding my business and one of the bozos attacked my ship and killed me, then later another one started beating me up, and I’m terrible at pvp so I just let it happen. Yay.

Idk I was Infamy grinding man

Dude I’ve been playing bee swarm