What the most usefull magic on war?

Okay, title already told idea of this post soo.I want to speculate what THE MOST usefull magic on war(In War sea or in Mediavel times in general).


Acid on first time, seems like useless magic, well.Its just water with DoT.But!Acid really usefull for long distance fight.What i mean is

  • You can cover entire battlefield in acid pounds
    They will work like mines for some weaks NPC’s or Players, and you can just spam them on long distances.

By itself , Ash just a poison but weaker.Nothing else.But if we look at Ash as Support Magic then its plays with new colors.
How we can use it?Well…

  1. Stunning enemies

  2. Cover entire battelfield in your smoke(noone will be able to see anything)

  3. Giveing damage boost for your teammates (If heat-based magic will hit Petrified target, then their magic will be increased, use it!)


Even if you will scream: “Noone can just reflect my emerlad splash!”, everyone still will be able to dodge or destroy your projectile.
Nothing about crystla i cant say, just average magic.


Well, earth is the the most neutral magic by its nature.Its just a solid magic.And as all solid magic it can be used for:

  1. Dealing mass damage to sturctures.

  2. Destroying some projectiles.

  3. Being a protable cannon.


Well, explosion magic is the most destructable magic in game, soo there is many ways how to use Explosion magic.For example:

  1. cosplaying Armin Alert from AoT season 4, and exploding on enemy bases causeing mass destruction.

  2. Destoying enemy protections (walls and etc.)

  3. Creating a waves in ocean

[spoiler]](For some context, in discord some guy said that it will be cool if explosion will be able to create a waves on water if any spell used underwater…Well, i think its good idea)[/spoiler


Fire…Was a popular and good magic some time ago, but now its, meh, average.But still it have many potential:

  1. Fire can be used for creating Australian’s Forest fire.200

  2. Fire can be used for burning anything that made of flammable materials.Soo make use of it while burning down entire village.


Well, Glass can be used in nearly the same way as Acid, and still haveing unique ways of useing:

  1. You can cover battlefield in Glass pieces, just like Acid magic.

  2. Due to effect that glass causes, it can be a good supportative magic.

  3. Due to good damage, glass magic can be used as Offensive magic too.


R.I.P. ink, you was a good meme magic.


Ice a.k.a. “Im can walk on water”.Really annoying magic if it used with water, and good for many other reasons, just as:

  1. You can create a ice sheets, soo in fact you can travel even without boat.IceBlast

  2. Due to effect that you can apply on enemies, Ice can be used with pair of water to freez enemies.

  3. As i mentioned, ice can create ice sheets on water, soo(MAYBE) you will be able to slow downs ships.


Light fast as hell, and it can blind enemies.Its as cool as it sound, its really annoying for enemies and good for you.Soo with this magci you will be able:

  1. Being sniper for your team and shooting everyone from far away

  2. Blind enemies from far away


You have “power” of Zeus, soo you feel like you have greate power, while not haveing it due to the magic stats.Well Lightning is just average, nothing special BUT!You can:

  • Paralize enemies
    Thats unlock many way for killing or torturing em.Soo be carefull with powers!

Tier S magic.What shoudl i say about it?Its jsut upgraded version of fire and poison.

  1. You can create a magma puddels, imitating mine field

  2. Magma melts metal, soo you can destroy enemies “cannano balls”

  3. Due to high heat, you can destroy acid puddels with yourowns.


Okay…Bey bey Gold and Iron, and hello Metal.
In fact, it can be really usefull on wars, due to their stats:

  1. You can create slow but destructive cannon balls, and you have infinite amount of 'em.

  2. Due to beign the most clashing rate magic in game, it can be shield for you(if you will be able to destroy enemy projectile in time)


R.I.P. ink, you was a really good pvp magic.


Ionized air that act like a fire…Hmm…Sound good becouse.And you know what you can do with it?Everything that you could do with any other heat-based magic.


Yee Chemical weapon!
The Hague Convention?You are not exist in this univers!Due to this we can:


Sand…Well, you can create a sand castel with it.At least it something.


Shadow just as Light can blind enemies.But its projectile harder to see at night, soo it is perfect magic to attack with at night.And plus, it have good stats.


Just like sand but with no castle ;-;


Magic with good stats and good synergiez:

  • Water perfectly match with ice, due to their synergize
    When target is frozen it cant move, soo its perfect way to stun and finish frozen enemy.

“Ha ha, wind goes BRRRRR”
Wind is really annoying magic due to knockbakc.Soo we can use it!

  1. You can boost your boat with wind magic by shooting at sails

  2. You knockback off your enemies from boats/arenas etc.


Wood that can be used for…Well giving wood?

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also when we get maker magic you can just forge weapons made of steel with metal magic.

Deadliest would definitely be things like ash/poison, essentially gas grenades, things like Explosion work to destroy everything, Metal to block attacks and things like Plasma or Lightning could cause instant death

Poison breaks the IHL

You might just be getting nuked if you break the IHL

A bit hard to know which one is the best. For me, magics with powerful synergies will definitely be useful in war

Poison and ash imo. Magma and acid coming close tho hehe.

W h a t

ink being good. imagine that.

well for war crimes probably acid/poison

Great post kind wish u provided some pics for the other magic’s tho

Sand has decent size and also provides blindness that I’ve heard lasts longer then Light’s blindness. Probably play a sorta teammate support role.

Sand = Worse version of Water

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Fire users getting ready to shoot at the cloud while you’re trying to hide in it804176335287091200

promethean fire


Anyways, yeah I’m reviving this. The magics I would consider best for active warfare are poison and ash for their area of denial and blocking off major parts, explosion depending on the situation (sieges and anti-vehicles) and I suppose magma for being able to hit hard and leave the area in ruins.

this is why ash is better

smh u just make sand castles
thats what u do

Since someone already necroed, Ink and paper, op for 4v4s. Paper does a good amount of damage plus dot.

Apocalypse Bringer, or possibly Death

If you go for one man army, yes
If you have teamate/army, fck them, yes