What to do before 1 hour luck V gets patched (and my monopoly guide stops working)

yeah i already said this before but im gonna add more to it. Once the balance document gets finished to the point where 1 Hour Luck V is patched, there will be no more luck parties.

so uhh after this patch the one trick monopoly guide wont work and sunkens will inflate

if you have no legendary scales

  • farm for them. You can find fishmonger rod at sameria and enchant it with toughened. This gives you 1.8 rod strength which is ESSENTIAL for getting legendary scales. Head to insanity 1 of dark sea to farm for them

If you usually join Luck V parties

  • Join a bunch of Luck V parties and fish for sunkens so you can trade once they get inflated after the patch. Use ensnaring bronze for most efficiency

  • If you have more time on your hands you can open tons of dark sealed chests (by farming a bunch of dark sealeds over a span of days). You can check my featured topic if this is confusing

If you make your own Luck V potions

  • Do the same thing as above but you can also make your own Luck V potions.

  • If you are making your own potions consider opening underwater chests instead of fishing.

After the patch is out, you can either:

  • Craft gilded luck V brews instead of Aura potions which also give a similar amount of time (1 hour Luck V). Gilded brewing pots are found on flattish insanity 2 islands
  • Trade your inflated sunkens

Just a short guide as a reminder after my second one trick monopoly guide is finally outdated. Hope this helps out some newer players