What type of people do you think generally ruin gaming experience more?

  • Toxic People (Chat)
  • Cheaters
0 voters

wait i just realized this heavily depends on the game, roleplay vs fps for example

there’s a lot more of one of these than the other, so

oh yeah i forgot to take amount into account and that changes anything

What are toxic people going to do? Say they did my mom?

say every racial slur in existence

i can’t /mute exploiters to ruin their plan

I… I don’t think that’s how it works

As someone who played tf2,

(I’ve never played tf2 in my life :sob:)

you know what they say, if you can’t beat th

He got suspended mid sentence :frpensive:

cheaters feel like an inevitability in online games, a lot like bots

straight up toxic people however, specifically make the choice to go out of their way to be miserable and attack others

cheaters/exploiters i find are almost always atleast funny in how they do things, usually not ruining the game too terribly

every game that uses roblox’s default chat system (which is mandatory now, if I remember right) has the default roblox commands.

/mute works!

whenever I join the evil team I always go “any furries in chat? :3” so it looks like the entire team are furries and they can laugh at them.

but you see, I am actually a furry !

Were you like referring to toxic people because you said exploiters and you can’t just stop them using mute

my man that is literally what I said.
I CAN’T stop exploiters with /mute, so they’re more of an issue.

I really didn’t think I’d need to explain this one.

Bro you literally said exploiters :sob:

did you suddenly lose your reading comprehension.
why do I have to explain this joke to you, this literally couldn’t be more straightforward, its barely even a joke, its me stating a fact in a way that happened to be perceived as a joke.
this is stupid.

is this bait???