What was Enzior doing during the prison break

Nobody likes thst lazy old man so during the whole prison break, while Edward was giving his life for us and fighting hordes of enemies, what was that old man even doing.

My guess is that he was selling meth in Tiberia, since he’s an Alchemist after all.


hes an old man with no magic wtf is he gonna do about it


insert Mc name, we need to cook.”**

Enizor meth ark

Insert breaking bad banjo moment just for laughs and giggles


He’s an Alchemist he can just spam potions or smth, or just bribe the guards with meth

hes old but hes not stupid
breaking into a damn castle full of guards is gonna end in him dying

I mean, Enizor is kinda old, he didn’t had magic during the prison break. So uh, he can’t do anything. Maybe he could bride the guards to have tea and biscuit?? And I bet Enizor greatest weakness is the stairs.

And if he was selling meth he would probably be arrested since someone would probably snitch on him or people hear rumor about him being the the MC.


If you want me to be truly logical abt this, he’s most likely directing the crew back on the ship to get in position while Edward goes to assist getting MC out. (Someone needs to direct the crew to get ready and be in position to escape. I’d imagine they planned the whole thing)

Afterwards, Edward probably left earlier to get back to the ship when MC and the gang escape.


He could probably bribe the guards with the money he got selling the meth

He’s 68 he’s not that old, Argos is probably the same age and he is still buff

Besides, magic users can slow down their aging. If Enzior is a mage, he can just use leap to skip the stairs, then just blast the guards with funni powder majik. Besides, the guards of Ravenna are pretty stupid.

Good point I suppose.

after countless hours of training

he didnt have magic capabilities at this point in the story

  1. Argos prime would have like 1 shot us
  2. enzior just learned magic after dark sea

Aren’t people born with magic? How does he “learn” magic, and he was 68 year old at this point how has he not learnt any magic at this point in life? He could’ve been pretty helpful solving the whole Iris thing at Frostmill

The lore regarding how magic/curses and every power system works isn’t explained clearly and people often misremember stuff but Enizor said in one of his dialogues that he does not have much time and that he must finish his life’s work now but awakened his magic (1st mind?) due to the stress of being in the Dark Sea.

The case with Argos proves that people can be born magicless in a way. Could be that people CAN be born magicless at first but has the POTENTIAL to become a mage, but it’s still weird that Argos, assuming he went through alot of stress through training and war did not awaken his magic.

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you need to have at least 1 mind to be able to awaken magic

ig Enzior has one but never met the condition to awaken it and just assumed he doesnt have one

meanwhile Argos just straight doesnt have one so he just unable to awaken mahiv no matter how hard he train or how close to death he go through

Still weird though, guess this proves that despite Prometheus gifting humanity magic there can actually be some people who are innate with it.

I remember someone telling me that EVERY person in AO is born with magic but I guess they’re technically wrong. Some holes here and there lol.

Prom gifted them primordial magic that use the users soul to power it, meanwhile agumented magic use our mind

they are different thing

im guessing that human kinda evolve the minds after prolonged exposure to magic, or maybe it has always been there but were basically useless til later on

Pretty sure Vetex said that
Like everyone is born with magic but not necessarily the ability to use it in spells

they are born with magic ENERGY, not a magic

Yeah basically this