What was his problem 2




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fr, so fond of the old times when he was human :pensive:

never met the guy but from what I’ve seen they were simply too based for these forums

may they rest in peace :headstone:

idk if thats fatfish but i remember that he advertised his guild in my dms

Community just didn’t like him that much. He stood on the knife’s edge a few times, until one day he crossed the line. Not sure what got him banned tho.

heh, just like RB1

huge troll

geko? perc? rb1?

Amazing out of context

no, he didnt accuse the tank dude of lying, he simply said ‘ez’ in the replies of that post.
still a big fucking yikes tho, prob the worst thing fat fishe has ever done.

nah he did accuse him i clearly remember that, it was separate from the ez thing