What weapon would you try to get? (AO)


Guns, they are the best, you dont see people using swords, knives, bows, or even magic in the real world anymore. Why? Because guns.

hot dog

Mages does not need any weapon, but if there would be Arcanium Gauntlets, i’ll go for 'em
(Explosion magic)

a giant red katana (if rodrigues ends up being a last name)

This seems fun

why does everyone think weapons on the aa trello apply to ao

Its nice to imagine.

Meat worn (it now functions as a bludgeon)

Level 47 Giratina

boos wepapon

my bare hands

definitely colossal cutlass.

welcome back to hell


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Arcanium Musket, Scythe (if it is added), Greatsword

deez knuckles better smh

i will london you
unless you say hi to kash

Old Great Sword, Rapier, Great Wooden Club, Iron Claws, Spear (if its still in AO), Old great axe and dual flintlocks