I’m not super into pvp but I do want to be able to not get totally chumped if someone attacks me and I’m mostly playing on my warrior and conjurer files, so what weapons are best for pvp? I have most of the rare weapons including both sunken weapons and can pretty handily get any that I don’t have at this point, so there aren’t many if any weapons that are off the table for me at least when I’m playing warrior.
triasta/kai sabre/scmitars
siren bow/stormcaller/musket
sunken staff/sunken sword/poison or scald dagger
Metamance sunken weapons and vindicator yep.
old dagger, ravenna sword, old hammer
an effective no aim no skill weapon is ravenna greataxe, you literally aim it at the ground itll hit, good for defense
sunken sword is great with rising tide, being able to damage while also flying upwards
musket is amazing if youre good enough
shield is dominating the meta rn
bro cooking but i aint eating
Quad gun build: 1 pistol, 2 pistol, 1 rifle.
sunken sword rapier staff undisputed
triasta sucks ass, it got gutted and the only way it can be viable is if they increase the AoE so u dont need to share the same space-time with someone to actually hit them or to rework ethernal flash to be a grab tp (not my idea but i forgot who said it)
staff (sunken and cultist one), kai sabre, scimitars of storm, noble thunderspear if u have enough atk speed, rapier, sunken sword (ravenna sword also works), musket
honestly why even bother, the pvp is trash
Most of the time I’m in pvp its not by choice
Scimittars of storm
Atlantean Greatsword
Siren Bow
the brainless trinity (siren bow is a stretch, but as long as you have element of surprise you can get 200 health out of your enemy ez)
is Siren bow or stormcaller better? Cause I have both but I mostly just use stormcaller
siren bow is faster
Oh fr? I did not know that, I guess I’ll use it more than
ye enchant it with ardent 500 atk speed go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
jk you don’t have to have 500 atk speed
best weapons:
scimitars of storm+kai sabre+silent blades
scimitars of storm+sunken sword+silent blades
or if you want a ranged use ardent siren bow instead of one of those
sunken staff is only on warrior rn so can’t use it on conjurer
any combo of:
scimitars of storm
sunken sword
kai sabre
silent blades
ardent siren bow
These aren’t really the best for fighting skilled players, but they’ll do the job in overworld ganks.
If you’re using warrior, and I’m just assuming you’re like a casual player- or you just don’t fish, I suggest these weapon sets:
Swift/Hard/Bursting Atlantean Mace, DENSE Rapier, Any Enchant Scimitars
- Dual swords are better than katanas in overworld ganks. Not only can you run away with them, but the bigger AOE makes it as viable as Dense Rapier for a free damage option.
- The mace is just your main damage.
Swift Staff, Dense Rapier, Any Enchant Scimitars
- 218 damage Piercing Gale at 84 power on my warrior. This is also the build I use on my Conjuror.
Swift or Dense Bronze Greatsword, Dense Rapier, Any Enchant Scimitars
- The Bronze Greatsword is definitely much better than the vindicator for overworld PVP. It’s got a good “Get off me” projectile blocking hitbox, so you can hide behind it and run away or charge magic energy. Placed explosions, self explosions, and crashes will counter this- which is why it’s only good for overworld PVP in my opinion.
Also, the triple tornado move is very good for self defense. If you’re jumping someone, it’s not bad, but musket is just better for ganks.
Swift/Ardent Triasta, Dense/Strong Rapier, any side weapon
- The triasta rapier weapon combo dominated the 1.11 and 1.12 PVP meta, but it’s still a pretty underground combo. Either way, though, it’s extremely effective. I recommend a musket or a staff as your third weapon- since triasta and rapier are both close range (and honestly they’re all you really need in close range lol)
don’t expect to get good at the PVP with that set, though. You won’t lose too many fights against those that are around your level or not too much better than you, but against good PVPers the triasta rapier combo is more of a minor challenge than an actual threat.
These are warrior sets that I think would do well in overworld PVP. But if you want to do duels, it’s a bit different- and that would take a bit longer to type.
Here are a few PVP tips.
- As a warrior, NEVER, EVER, EVER USE VINDICATOR! AT ALL! Most half-decent PVPers can punish it with their eyes closed. Don’t be afraid to use it against someone you know is bad at the game, though. When used to fight those that are below average or just don’t PVP at all, the Vindicator can actually seem a bit unfair to fight.
- Try your best to actually get good at the PVP, though. You don’t need anything special, literally just asking for duels at Munera is good enough. I recommend trying to fight people better than you, and don’t be discouraged if you never win a single fight- that’s how you improve, from your mistakes!.
- If you’re being chased, try to juke your enemy with a teleport dash skill. I suggest pressing and holding the button if they’re some distance away from you, but if they’re definitely in your range just go for it. This is a way to fight back while also avoiding direct confrontation. It might seem a bit scummy, but in reality you probably wouldn’t be doing this if the fight was fair from the get go.
huh, at its getting a 20% AoE buff and a cooldown buff from 7s to 5s
so i guess triasta is gonna be good
Sabre > Rapier imo, Rapier is only good with some size, Sabre can be used with stuff like Lightning or Light