This dillema of mine occurred to me many times, and I have switched my weapons many times as well. I still cannot find a combination that I would use all the time, and while I am aware that this is stupid by nature (idk how to say it normally but like no weapon combo can cover every situation), I still want to find the most all-rounded weapon combination. Throw some at me.
Preferences(can be ignored):
-a TP skill/very fast movement skill
-a grab
-a zoning skill
-an AoE skill
-some sniping skill like a throw or a very fast projectile
Tried combinations(if yours is one of them, dont bother):
SoS+staff/dagger/musket+Ravenna GS/claws (yes all 6)
Kai+dagger+Ravenna GS
Triasta+dagger+Ravenna GS
seems this kai+rapier+some otherweapon combo is popular, ill run it around. Will update the post with my build and thoughts on what i’ve tried from this post specifically
i forgot how broken siren bow is 270 dmg per shot and i am not running attack speed or anything, im running size which is useless for bow M1, yet i fold every NPC i find (im not testing this on players because i dont plan to PVP(i have 60k fame try me))