What weapons do I run as a warrior

The thing is you will get acces to so many things you won’t use most of them while warrior will have all the skills he needs perfectly suited for him that only he can use.

And you can’t say your weapons look cooler when they are off brand version of ours and we will always have weapons that only we can use and they will always be above the rest.

I run whatever substat happens to accumulate while i setup a power/defence set, and here it happens to be asize. I do want to run aspeed, but there are no aspeed/defence gems so i will be losing on main stats if i do.

@Danny_Zou thanks for the ideas, i will 100% try tempered musket, sadly no atlantean gs/mace to try.

@anon82332293 wdym vind has a grab? Its just that stupid movement AoE move and devastate, which is another AoE move

skull crusher

Whatever you do, DO NOT USE A KAI SABER. For starters, you have 0 attack speed and 132 atksize. So, off the bat you can just ignore any aimbased weapons. Stick to stuff like SOS, Rapier, Sunken Sword… just things that are very easy to use. But if you’re trying to do PVE, rapier, musket, and SOS is pretty solid. Make sure the rapier is enchanted with dense(better than any other enchant on rapier), and the gun should ALWAYS be enchanted with tempered.

For PVP, though, this build is already insanely flawed. First, you don’t have enough attack speed to even come close to standing a chance against any average PVPer. I can also see you have 6 intensity, so that means one of your armors is enchanted with the Power+Intensity stat. Replace that with powerful… intensity is horrible on warrior. Or more like it’s horrible on any build without a mode.

But if you don’t want to change your build, I’ll just give you some weapon combos that would go well with that stat spread.

  1. SOS, Rapier, Sunken Sword
  2. PTD dagger, Rapier, Atlantean Mace
  3. SOS, PTD dagger, Rapier
    *Notice most of these combos include rapier. Doesn’t matter if it’s atlantean or not, Rapier is a very solid weapon whether you’re using attack size or not.

Weapons that you shouldn’t use with that stat spread being VINDICATOR and ANY katana weapon. Too short of a range for todays meta and the projectile is pretty much useless to you. That’s all.

Also, greatsword is pretty horrible too. Sunken Staff is alright, but it’s not really that good either. It’s more of a nuisance. Triasta is a bad weapon as well, but that’s because most people are used to TP dash attacks and not pure TP attacks. In my experience, triasta just leaves you open for more hits(especially with 0 attack speed.)

All I can remember for now.

solution: USE WARRIOR ONLY WEAPONS (or else what’s the point of being warrior and using conj/warlord weapons?)

sunken sword, musket, claws

Kai saber is alr if you’re running a light conjurer (from my experience anyways). Idk about warriors though

Kai Saber is only really good with attack speed builds, but in my opinion dual swords is superior if you’re only using saber for the TP dash. But dual swords has the WORST projectile skill in the game. Since I doubt he’ll really use projectiles that much/find them very useful, I suggested dual swords.

…also, what was the point of you saying that? He’s not a light conjuror.

…please don’t use claws, @ponsru21 . It’s just mediocre, and there are much better weapons you could be using.

Although, there are some people that are good with claws, but like I said- something like a rapier is a better weapon for your build.

warrior only weapons aren’t all good, and there’s no such thing as conjuror weapons. Weapons are weapons no matter who’s using it. Warriors can’t use warlord weapons, either.

I meant weapons that take 150 stat points

Nah that would give him 18 intensity, the 6 is 100% from an arcanium bracelet


Conjurers can also put 150 in weapons

Ur build is similar to mine, if u dont wanna aim then use my combo which is Vindicator, Sunken Staff and Kai Sabre

Crushing Judgement for distance, Fury of the Sea, Flying Slash and devestate for damage, Knocking Blitz for grab and Sword Draw Flash Strike for TP

You can also replace either the Vindicator or Sunken Staff for Sunken Sword for more choices

that’s what I’m saying bruh

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