He was born…
This is so wrong it’s laughable, Vetex has spent so little time on balance.
Look at patch notes.
i could look through the past month of patchnotes and not find a single vetex balance change entry
I meant like Trello
I see how many balance changes he did
but like i even looked through the main trello and the last balance change he did was all the way back to the halloween event and he did like 10 (better then none ig)
Let me screenshot what I mean.
I’m also pretty sure you’re on a different Trello, but I’m using the browser version so I could be wrong.
I’m pretty sure moochez is the one doing the balance tho?
So technically vetex ain’t balancing. Moochez is and that’s most of the recent patches tho.
Yeah that was a little misinformed.
Old musket if you’re a savant
Yeah, pretty sure his screenshots are from the balance trello