What will be your favorite build in 2040?

preparing to make a(INSERT MAGMA VARAINT) + Sun Mage in 2099!!!

Apocalypse bringer plus aether plus explosion (mage) for maximum blinding particles

Literally Voidwalker Void Warp

Apocalypse and Pressure, I like the destruction and both of these combined feel like they’d be powerful

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Can’t have two ancients though, even as a mage :pensive:

yea but I can dream

my magic will always be the one that has the highest raw damage multiplier or metal.

TEAL lightning conj is and will always be the best ao build :lightning_magic_var1: :fire: @OnionCream Master Onion drop the lightning conj glaze :nod:

Didn’t Vetex state that every magic will be limited to a specific set of mutations?
Meaning rip people playing for the first time, you chose badly and couldn’t get an acrimony, enjoy this tight spectrum of shitty mutations
Mainly referring to stuff like sand, wood, crystal, glass etc.
Definitely not referring to fire and lightning, you don’t need all those mutations you fat bitches

Hecate Essence


savant imbue :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:

fire/flash magic savant

not sure i have it in me anymore :frcryin:

when even onion cream can’t glaze lightning conj that’s how you KNOW its cooked

Savant will be absolute peak

another savant fan :speaking_head:

Basic combat Berserker.

I practice the art of kicking things REALLLY HARD.

Traitor :sob:

just a guy who’s realistic