What will be your stat build in AO?

Since I don’t know what to chose, what will you guys chose.

warlock probs

Either Berserker or Warlord.
I want to slash enemies with heavy weapons.

Ash mage

Conjurer on my main, but I’ll probably experiment with warlock, juggernaut or berserker on my other files since they seem interesting ig

i have no idea…

All of them gonna be savant on lightning gonna be warlock on acid and conjurer on magma. Gonna be a mage on water and crystal and conjurer with wood or earth and then warlock with ice or smth. And then berserker warrior and warlord on whatever cause the magic doesn’t matter


Savant on shadow :frcryin:

conjurer, to mount my poison magic on cannonballs for big cloud

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conjurer ongod

mage if im using a magic that has good synergies, like plasma or wood


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