What would be the absolute worst ideas that'd ruin Wom

Did you just suggest a bunch of features from rouge lineage?

yes, why?
20 characters

I mean they would ruin WoM, WoM isint based around the mechanics rogue was at all.
Example: Rogue has premade classes, in WoM you sort of create your own class in a way

i know, i just don’t like the rouge race mechanic so i made a joke about it

same, i spent too much on trying to get a good race and just got rigan in the end. While my friend got one of the most op races and didint know it was good so he rerolled it…

Racism would ruin this game, and make it shut down.

But it’s already in the game.
It’s called culture exclusive items. :sunglasses:

I thought of this before sniping bandits. What about… headshots

For level 60 and the maximum planned is 5000 I do not think they are very powerful

Thought of this idea when I was getting destruction enchant three times (Edit: in a row) on magic speed amulets.

Have it that only one person may interact with the enchant/shop npcs.

You can no longer collect chests at max crowns. Bam less exploiters


Not a bad idea, actually.

many exploiters just trade their items away to alts/mains asap

This would at the very least force them to stop semi-frequently.

Yeah that what I was thinking.

Just came to me when I was max crowns going to the alchemist. Didn’t know if I should have made it a real suggestion though

Rogue never died it even has more players than world of magic.

Can’t escape frozen/petrified/scribed until it’s removed by another player or the duration runs out

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Thinking about enchanted arrows. It sounds cool but also, what if PvP goon squads had access to swift magic bows with bleeding multipliers

EDIT: INVENTORY ENCUMBERENCE. If that were implemented I would go livid. I would vibrate out of the mortal plane in hot white rage.


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