What would be the absolute worst ideas that'd ruin Wom

delete the game, that’l ruin it

Streaming enabled gets forced upon every game, without being fixed.

Make it Pay to Win

Do you want to grab a chest? give me 5 robux, do you want to become a villain / hero? give me 50, do you want to have a magic? pay 1000, do you want armor? pay 500, do you want to kill npc? pay 100, do you want to use your weapons? pay 1000

V - EA - texgames

Permadeath, no magic council punishments, hitstun.


Oh god, hitstun would be a nightmare. Imagine being locked into all the hits of a 20-blast attack.

yep have fun LMAO. Just spam placed explosions as an infinite combo.

Hitstun isn’t actually that bad.
Heck I think it’s going to be necessary for combat that isn’t spam out dps and see who dies first.

I can only see hitstun really working if there’s major changes in its pvp. Otherwise it will would be who gets the first hit then infinite

I mean if we have no hitstun what stops me from maxing out magic size and spamming ultimate explosions after getting close to you? :neutral_face:

Mana springs from tales of the valley. You can no longer recharge magic, and you have to find one-time use fountains out in the map to refill your bar, or purchase incredibly overpriced mana spring potions.

blocking does exist so yes

rip your stamina bar from blocking that my guy.

Selling stuff that will make the progression way too easier if you pay

rip your magic energy from spamming that my guy :fr:

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Taxes since every player technically owns a house (seriously have you seen the size of the houses and the location? most of the towns even have water near it the taxes for them houses would be at least 2400 crowns a week)


To be honest, I don’t even know where I live. Once I began, I immediately did quests–same for my other slots.

awful ideas from tales huh?
how about this: all lost and primordial magic scrolls can only be held by one person, who can bestow their magic upon a very limited amount of people and revoke it whenever they want.

  1. Deleting the game
  2. Making all of the Magic Council teleport to you randomly and kill you no matter what your rep is
  3. If you lose health while summoning a spell, not only does it stop the spell, it also deletes it
  4. You can lose lost magics

Hit with paralysis, you can never move again.