What would be the absolute worst ideas that'd ruin Wom

Make it too realistic, you have to sleep and go to the bathroom, plus magics like magma would instantly kill anyone, while a light wind or a paper plane would do nothing

Going to the bathroom would give players the opportunity to make yellow snow.

Yeah it would be called “Project W.O.M.”

Every 10 levels you have to pay to get another level, also there are stat boosts that you can buy, and also theres magic gears that you can buy.


Limited time EXP boosters you have to pay robux or use codes to get more of

Sorry but that’s coming later in the game.

Adding in vetex’s political bias and make everyone else’s political stance look REALLY wrong.

This is actually planned as a possible monetisation, lol.


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I remember when it said on the Trello “these should not affect gameplay at all” on the monetisation card lmao, guess that’s changed.
But I guess things change, it was planed that you can’t join the MC at all, but now we have been told that’s no longer the change.

buffing magma because its so good already. haha im sofunny

Put RNJESUS on everything.

mfw i accidentally hit a civilian and get 25 years in prison without possibility of parole

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The main reason I dont play Anime games, you just spin to win, and keep resetting ur stats until you get a good one.


Play vetex’s other game, Adventure Story.

if you lose any stamina, any magic energy point and any hp, youll instantly lose all of your progress and your account will get a perm ban.

Anything that just utterly destroys the setting of the game.

pull a paradox and sell content beyond lvl 1000 as DLC?