What would be the absolute worst ideas that'd ruin Wom

LMAO thanks for posting this :nod:

it do be kinda accurate though

make the magic skills UI, that appears in the bottom right corner, super large that it blocks the entire right side of the screen. it would make the game unplayable for me

you mean turn it into an example of how world of magic: mobile edition would look like?


This kid has to be a troll, right?

what the fuck is this

nah my mans wanted to post here but clicked the wrong thing

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You sure? He’s made over five posts like this.

Add the AR-15 Gamepass.

Can’t fault a man for making 10 mistakes can ya? So why not 5?

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everyone pvping with the same style. no diversity at the top level, just like in AA. well it’s not the absolute worst case scenario, but it is a realistic bad one in my opinion.

alright I got some leaked patch notes

  • Buffed strong enchanted items
  • Nerfed all the others
  • Gave light and plasma more damage, plasma DoT now lasts for 20 seconds
  • Gave ice a DoT effect
  • Made the frozen status do a ton of damage (does 3x a 100% ice blast)
  • Gold magic now deals less damage compared to iron, but goes faster than it. It keeps the same bleed %, iron now inflicts bleed at 10% max health
  • Glass sound effect is now bass boosted
  • Sandy effect now has DoT, sand now inflicts bleed if it does more than 10% of your health
  • Freezing slows you down
  • great spin buffed to deal as much as a heavy attack
  • Crystal nerfed, no longer inflicts bleed and moves at 0.5x average speed
  • lightning destruction nerfed, but damage and speed buffed
  • torches now scale by level, level 1 torches emit no light, and they scale up until level 50 which gives you the normal torch light
  • when a player is hit with an attack, they stop moving completely
  • the 4th of july gear now gives power (equal to rare gear of that level)
  • Made bursting less common, however made forceful more common


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One of his posts was deleted.

heres a simple answer: anything that mal or gavineo suggests

“That ruined a game by the name of rouge lineage”
that was the whole point of rogue lineage…

Making Mal a developer.


Y E S .
jojo yes



truly a poggers moment