What would be the value of a Level 90 Hard SS and a Level 90 Swift Vastira together?


Last time I was looking for a trade, I was looking for a Powerful Wizard Hat and Powerful Defense Amulet.

Someone asked me if I had any rares.

I replied “Hard SS and Swift Vastira” and a load of trades for the Sunken Sword came.

I wanna know what they’re worth. Both of the items in question.

Swift Vastira isn’t really worth much, plus this question is always hard to answer. It’s easier to tell you if there is an offer whether its worth it or not

Someone made an offer for my SS that was the following:

i will give you 2 clean mino sets, 1 hard exiled chest, 1 hard mino chest, a hard vastira, 2 clean exiled chests, and a strong vastira and a clean woj for your hard ss

No, dont accept

nah don’t accept

in ao all of the boss drops from the exiled and mino get yeeted but ss is still gonna be there

so yeah I’d keep your ss

it’s still almost half a year for that to happen and who knows if the compensation will be good

oh right compensation exists

hmmm idk what to do then

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