What would be your new name after Arcane Odyssey is out?

Not really a whole list of the names yet so make up some names that you would want for yourself in AO

I’m pretty much satisfied with the like 2500+ names in the game
I already can’t decide between what’s available so I can’t answer

likely just gonna change the last name maybe the first on some but that part i need to look more into with my 13 files aa

Not sure about first name, but I’ll probably take up Moonsilver as my last name, that’s an option-

Totally shameless plug, but here’s a list of last name suggestions I made if you want to browse (not all were added but I think most were)

Wu Mei-Xing
(surname, first name)

I hope Storm is a last name
So I can be Gale Storm and become the ultimate wind lord.

Gonna assume for the purposes of this that these names all exist.

Lamorak is a good first name. Gonna keep it.

For last names:

Gonna wipe my second file (never really got far with it) and actually start my third as well.


Ulysses Grant?

heres my name

Dlsiaidsuvhxcblkjvzbflkgfdhvlkx Iasufvhfdliufhvlkzcxjhgadfljvhsdlkjhf

Richard Cinders

Winter Lotus perhap

Can any testers verify if Quest is a last name :pleading_face:

Otherwise I don’t know what first name I want yet, and if Quest is not available, I’m not sure about surname either.


Im keeping percivale barion.

Im changing bleoberis silver to bleoberis teripoor.

And im changing Eldritch ketch into Edward yiatzmat.