What would u like in a fighting style?

Bullet Arts, ripped straight from bayonetta

isnt this like knocking fist but faster.

also i would think something that instantly teleports the attack (smash insta drops or crash teleports forward) at the cost of doing less damage

If we’re talking about potential new styles, then wrestling or some form of style inspired by wrestling. C’mon vetex, let me slam people with excessive force into the ground.

Ok ok hmm. A magnet based fighting style utilizing brute force to keep your enemies up close and personal.

that could work

Basic status effects only exclusive to Fighting Styles (to really get the deal that your fighting someone who’s using martial arts) but It kind of makes them look like lost fighting styles so idk lol.

Bruised = Vulnerability against consecutive attacks (Basic Combat)

Fracture = Lesser version of slow (Iron Leg)

Broken = Reduces your damage output ever so slightly (100 damage would turn to 98, can stack, also Iron Leg)

Dazed = Vulnerability against knock back and stuns last slightly longer (Boxing)

Seared(FS version of burning) Shocked (FS version of Paralyzed)

It would be cool to see m1’s get reworked just a little so attacks lunge more. Or maybe we could see a lightning based fstyle that’s called karate. And it comes with it’s own animations on every attack that resemble “karate” every attack has far range and very small aoe

Guess what.
Electromagnetic Fist

Electromagnetism or EM is a fighting style revolving around the use of magnets and electricity to keep enemies up close and personal. These magnets are very strong, as you can guess, because this is Arcane Odyssey.
The magnets are attached to your palms and travel down the length of your fingers connected by a metal (could be arcanium) coil. This would produce electricity.
EM Fist works by creating a large gravitational and magnetic pull around you to draw enemies in (or give them a slowness effect if resource bar is over 75% and you are near them).
Base Stats:
Size: 1.0x-1.3x
Speed: .9x
Damage: .95x-1.2x

Resource Bar:
Your resource bar will charge up based on how many times you have hit your opponent and will wane based off of if you got hit (disrupting the magnetic field). At 75% resource bar, magnetic particles and lightning will begin to appear around your hands and cracks will appear on your arms. Now, enemies can become “shocked” (I would do paralyzed but it seems the balance team wants to phase out stuns) by being hit in rapid succession. Being shocked will cause the enemy’s slowness to be amplified whenever they are within the range of your magnetic field or radius that increases in size with intensity and resource bar.

kick them in the balls

Karate is already planned as a separate style

More shit that allows you to combo with yourself like a fighting game.

1.2x dmg and 1.3x Size??? Sailor has 0.925x dmg and 1.2x size AT MAX SEAWATER

Listen man idk stats give me a break

A fighting style with a “5-hit-crit” system that rewards players for having good accuracy and isn’t just mindless M1 spam like thermo or no real interesting effect like ironleg or boxing.

(every 5 hits you successfully land on an opponent, the next hit will deal increased damage noticeably stronger than the others, the “hit counter” resets after every critical hit, or, if you miss your opponent.)

So like what knocking fist has but with increased damage instead of stuns?

Don’t worry, the 0.9x speed they gave it balances it out.
(let’s ignore the fact the gimmick also lets you slow down people when charged up)

If knocking fist uses a multi-hit system then yes I suppose this is a damage equivalent to that

The style rewards landing consecutive hits, but I don’t know if it punishes you for missing.

that’s the same speed as sailor

more aoe and 50% more dmg than max charge sailor, balanced