What would u like in a fighting style?

Out of the question ideas are visual distortion, movement distortion and highlight stuff. Give some ideas!

a lightning based fighting style that uses static electricity which is basically just a reskinned thermo

and fighting style exclusive skills and shi

You rub your hands on fabric to fill up your static electricity meter…


yeah its just a reskinned thermo lmaooo

this but at a high meter it should cause little bits of iron to flow around your hands while you’re standing on the ground, which deal a little bit of extra chip damage each time you hit someone, like a weaker version of the glass rubble. The little bits disappear after a second if you don’t touch the ground, making the fighting style more of a ground based one compared to most other fighting styles where people just airstall and fly around

just made the fs wayy more unique with that gimmick I like it

maybe just maybe it could slightly pull people?

Only when they are wearing heavy armour.
so it would be a bit of a niche thing to punish higher hp builds, while not doing too much against lower hp builds
also most of the current heavy armours are made out of iron, so it would just make more sense
or maybe it should just depend on the amount of defense

I could only ask for a fast kick based style with an interesting gimmick, nice sound effects, and fun visuals.

I find it really hard to come up with fighting style ideas, since it feels like everything I try to think of is already taken by something we have now. Perhaps something that has lots of startup and low aoe, but really good range and damage. Perhaps something themed around charging inner energy for that swift attack. Makes me almost think of theming it around taijutsu and other ninja-like martial arts from popular media.

Magnet Style with electricity? I like it a lot

@Dreay :smirk:

old impact fist

Contortionist fighting style because funny animations. It would have more radius than other styles but a bit more end lag if you miss

Also a ninja fighting style where you’re invisible during attacks like crash and Selino would be neat

dirty fighting style which applies effects like sandy and poison but has reduced synergy due to applying more than one effect

Bullet Arts, ripped straight from bayonetta

isnt this like knocking fist but faster.

also i would think something that instantly teleports the attack (smash insta drops or crash teleports forward) at the cost of doing less damage

If we’re talking about potential new styles, then wrestling or some form of style inspired by wrestling. C’mon vetex, let me slam people with excessive force into the ground.

Ok ok hmm. A magnet based fighting style utilizing brute force to keep your enemies up close and personal.

that could work

Basic status effects only exclusive to Fighting Styles (to really get the deal that your fighting someone who’s using martial arts) but It kind of makes them look like lost fighting styles so idk lol.

Bruised = Vulnerability against consecutive attacks (Basic Combat)

Fracture = Lesser version of slow (Iron Leg)

Broken = Reduces your damage output ever so slightly (100 damage would turn to 98, can stack, also Iron Leg)

Dazed = Vulnerability against knock back and stuns last slightly longer (Boxing)

Seared(FS version of burning) Shocked (FS version of Paralyzed)