What would you do if you were a arcane adventures webtoon character?

mainly what Acid said. Gain tons of mutations and have tons of adventures, become really powerful, etc. Now, I’m not the Peacekeeper, so even though I have the chance to defeat Durza, I won’t, because it’s not my job.

then I’ll sail off, saying my farewells

Die off screen

or try to get Scorch/Aethereal Flame

Speed run Armageddon

find a way to get plot armor.

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Be confused because I don’t know what that is

What the fudge

Don’t worry I make sure they don’t have STDs.

You do realize that is what happens in war, right?

Naw fam you wanted in the lifestyle so you gotta live it


  • Be me
  • 25
  • Durza’s Right Hand Man
  • Be the most loyal person in his army
  • Stay with him to the very end
  • Two options…
  • Number one - I get killed in his blast.
  • Number two - I don’t get killed in his death, I am ordered by him to sail Northward to Hyperborea. I establish a ministry there, safe from the Peacekeeper, and I eventually get to preserve Durza’s teachings. I die a peaceful and honorable death.



Wait I’m kidding please don’t

It’s not water that destroy them, it’s the giant magic energy concentration in the sea. Technically, curse users could probably take a dip in the sea in WoM since that magic energy is mostly gone as far as I know.

  • be me
  • random age idk it’s not important
  • be murdered by some random villain
  • profit


Pop out of nowhere, break the 4th wall for a few pages, and leave

Chekhov’s gun? WhAt’s tHaT?

Make the webtoon some sort of Spanish Drama with all the AA and WoM characters +Morden in like a Season 2 or 3

All of them simultaneously in some human centipede monstrosity.

i’ll become a villian shadow user and get killed in 5 panels

i’d be that annoying minor antagonist that pops up once in a while, blows up a town and gets bodied because of it

I’d cry and ask why I’m 2d :fr: