What you should do when people send garbage trades

So I was hoarding cheap items in WOM so I can end up with an inventory so large it crashes people. When mass buying multi colored clown noses I realized. Why don’t I send a red clown nose to people who send dog shit trades?
So I get this shitty trade.

You should also use this when an annoying toxic person combat logs or dies then rejoins your server.


I love this.


I prefer to just hunt them down and slap them.

What if YOU’RE the one benefiting from the trade? Then what, would you still send the clown nose?

No, they would send you a clown nose.

Perfect counter

isn’t this the first thing everyone thought of when clown noses were revealed

i thought this was the entire reason they were added


Excellent technique


idk never seen anyone use them like that or mention it

holy shit you mastermind

i dont think i have ever even found one

I have a clown nose collection, is this why

When I get a garbage trade I either:

A: Ignore them
B: Decline and message them

I did accept one garbage trade out of pity though since I already have more than enough boss drops. But never again.

Whenever I do option B, I get responses that give away the persons mental age. Someone tried to trade my powerful power amulet and my keen casting speed amulet for utter trash + 500 crowns.

I don’t have any screenshots, but the message back-and-forth went like this:

I sent, “…You really think i’m going to give away items that good for garbage like that?”

They said word for word “I weel give you 1000 for them.”

I said “Pass”. They STILL sent me a trade. Guess they aren’t old enough to know what the word “pass” means.

But your method of dealing with these guys is just hilarious, imma start doing that lol.


i usually hunted them down before

that trade isnt even that bad tho.

Tho its a pretty funny idea lol

the two sharks were rotten

the vastira alone is roughly worth those items unless those exiled boots are hard. I cant tell cuz of the screenshot quality tho

edit: i think theyre powerful. Still the trade isnt that bad. The sharks just make it look bad

it was either my hard or forceful
i like my forceful because it helps me get max knockback and i like my hard because helth

I’m bookmarking this

if it was forceful it would have been a decent trade. But i do get why you would call it a trash trade, those sharks are just so annoying and attention grabbing.