What your Magic/Fighting Style says about your IQ

hot discussion :hot_face:


me when I’m a genius

:muscle: :ice_magic_var2:

Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 6.46.37 PM
doh, m1 button spam


wait hold on if I’m an ice conjurer then do I act dumb or do I act smart?

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Why not both?

how is that possible :thinking:

Some situations you act smart some situations you act dumb. Simple.


post the phantom one kid also fax

wtf so I am all sections :sob:

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He knows all and yet he knows nothing :pensive:

damn this feels like someone’s mad that somebody killed them with earth magic

there’s a few nitpicks I would move around:

earth goes in acts smart is smart

poison goes in acts dumb is smart

wind goes in acts smart is dumb

explosion should just be in the dead center of the graph (so many people use it for so many reasons it’s kinda hard to make a stereotype at this point)

and radius fist goes in acts smart is dumb

imo light should be higher and more to the right and magma should switch places with sand

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If i have fire magc weapons AND thermo fist, what am i?:thinking:

a savant, therefore in the “is smart” part

radius in acts smart is smart


superior IQ chart just dropped.

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i got a fav magic in each of these but 3 of them are in acts smart is smart