What're you excited to see upon AO's release? (E.G. Random battles, fishing sessions, etc)

the story line, THE MAGIC TWEAKS, the weapons and the islands

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new magic visual

weapon skills


not those fcking sharks ( AR traumatic flashback )

Dark Sea


Everything but mainly the hopeful variety of the builds new players are using although they are probably going to all follow the first youtube vid they see telling them to use metal magic with a conjurer build or something stupid.
I’m excited to sail around on a new map and explore the new islands. And the better-looking and more usable Ice magic.


I just wanna see the random shit the new gens will do on release, because as randomness said they’re gonna follow the first vid called a “op starter guide”

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guild wars and hopefully giving ships utility in pvp unlike in AR a

Honestly everything
The exploration
The combat
The story
Mostly playing with friends 1v1ing or cooking meals together
And AO won’t be even finished when it comes out imagine all the other updates to come later down the line.

im going to make a guide with the most misleading content ever

im excited to see you all hop off roblox and take a shower

I take a shower every night.

Dog pfp > roblox pfp

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pls sir release the arcade odsey. you don’t know how long I have waited for the moment when u release the odsey. .while in my bed I dream about waking up to the relase of odsey sir. when I am at the learning building i just can’t think. i only think about when the odysey release wes goin hapen. when i eat the food at the food table I don’t think about the food i think about the wonderful relase of odysey that my sir will relase so I play gayme. even when i am on the releasing the waste in the body thing i can only think about the relase to odysey. finally even when I am visiting i can’t think about the blood relate people i can only think about the beautiful sir makng the odysey relese to wake the up. when sir i am at bed i think of sir beautiful face while we do th slept. when sir you tell me to do test do sir for u in ordre to join the testr . when sir is post lake of arcne odysey i dream an thingk al dya abuot it. . i want u to relast the arcand odysey . sir i cant wait to see u on the ship.and we sail ship to sunset inn order to become the arcne. sir i beg of u sir please relase and once u do the relase sir i will get e girl for the sir because u sir did the relase for me to play arcne. . these are just a few reasons why you should relase gmae.


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