Whats a better Jolly Roger?

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the crew name is Warvale so prolly the second one would match the name.

uhh b is more clearly a jolly roger but i think the first is more focused looking while the others just sorta messy

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ye, found these on the internet

I would say the second one the first looks more like a medallion than a jolly roger. Plus I just think the second one looks better.

2 great reasons,

hop off wom

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but your crewname is WARvale so…

i like this more tbh, but look kinda bright and “fun”
unless that’s what you aim for then sure

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my crew is gna aim to be a wandering-around type of adventurous crew, which we will collect loot, still focus a lil on pvp, do the storyline for fun, GRIND HELLA LOT OF EXP, and aim to be a rich and powerful crew, thats most likely it, so ill just make the 2nd one my primary jolly roger and the 1st one my secondary jolly roger, i like the 1st one better but the 2nd one matches the name

in-game alt guild,

i shudive picked a dif name for the crew, warvale sounds like we want wars with these powerful guilds, but wars r fun :}

i feel like i’ve seen this image billions of times
and i have no idea what it is

top one looks awesome ngl

I think the second one is better, if your going for a pirate theme otherwize the first one

The first one, definitely.

prolly ye



was a cute kid, and a handsome weird man now, still got that pug walk :+1:

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