What's a good pair with Shadow?

What’s a good pair with Shadow?, ive been wondering ever since i read on trello that second magic will be added soon

Nothing as far as base magics, unfortunately. Later I’m sure Lost/Primordial magics will pair up better. Light has the same issue but it’s fast so people justify it with that.

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welp i guess ill just go with lightning if second magic is added it doesn’t matter since it doesn’t have a good pair lol i just think they look cool together

you could go paper and ink, or explosion and fire. Anything that works well in pairs. Or just do whatever lol.

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Shadow is a generally well rounded magic with above average stats, but it’s weakness is in it’s lack of synergies and mediocre status effect. For what it’s worth, anything that does something that Shadow doesn’t is a good pair because it has no direct synergy. Stay away from Light and cold magics, as Shadow has a 30% damage penalty against frozen and blinded opponents, but other than that you should have no penalty or benefit to using another magic. If I had to recommend anything specific, I would probably go second Magma, third Explosion. That will give you an extreme amount of options, from a Strong Get-off-me tool through having a heavy, removing any cover that may appear, and solid damage at mid-high range using shadow.

In exchange for decent stats across the board, shadow magic has ZERO synergy. So I guess you’re SoL when the second magic update comes out.

well, shadow again is also an option.

Can’t pick the same magic twice. The reason you could in AA was because of mutations, however in WoM that won’t be happening, as confirmed by vetex himself.Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 8.09.23 AM


my life and dignity as a portable charger has failed

that kinda of sad to me tbh

Nothing, shadow does not have synergies with any other magic.

That is good to know because I had that question when someone said they didn’t want to pick another magic

Light is the only magic that would look good with shadow but they counter each other when you fight. I think maybe Ash and the blue and purple variant for Crystal might look good with Shadow however.


This thread was revived by a portable charger that lost its dignity. wtf.

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I thought I already replied here but apparently no

So anyway, I believe that shadow could help magics with a blinding effect other than light since, even if colorblindness alone isn’t especially annoying, it definitely won’t help if you are already partially blinding your opponent.
However, it doesn’t mean shadow can’t be used with other magics. It can actually go with anything except light.