I think the biggest problem is the lack of attention to casual players, and adding changes that will benefit the pvp community more. There’s also a lot of controversial pvp changes that just don’t fit right with everyone but continue to be added into the game. I’ve seen someone say it before, so these are not my original quotes, but I think they sum it up pretty well
“there is just too much of a gap between players who pve and players who pvp”.
“They are adding stuff that will make people want to invest into some stats only to nerf scaling again…”
And my personal opinion, by far the most unbalanced thing in the game right now is minmaxxing. I’ve tried leveling up a new file and it was horrible. Dodge reflex, Jewels, exotic enchants etc. Not to mention how old jewels and enchants are now made completely useless with the new dark sea exclusives.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I also heard Vetex takes no part in the balance talk himself. There’s just a lack of communication. Even though there are a bunch of channels in the balance server where people discuss balancing everyday, what changes really go through from what the community suggests?
That’s just my rant, idk if it reads well since I’m bad at wording myself. If you want to go keyboard warrior on me go ahead
or wait nevermind, you should go keyboard mage instead since warrior sucks ass