What's Gonna Be Your Vibin' Music/s When Sailing The Seas?

Well for me, this is what i’m gonna vibe to:

For night time

For day time

ops of anime ive watched recently
or eurobeat

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The AA banjo…

I was kind of good with it ngl


marvin’s room

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Aaaah damn, i’ve listened to it as well. It sounds hella nice with the ambience of the sea. Wish peeps would hire bards to play that AA theme in a banjo for some sweet nostalgia as they sail the seas.

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Bringing back banjo seems like a nice suggestion thread ngl

Instrument tools are planned. Considering vetex used the plural word of tool means there will be more than just banjo now.

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naisu desu!

uhhhhh, not sure what ai’ll use for day time, but I’m going back to Old Faithful for night

and these too

perhaps one of these for Day

nuff said

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prob the in-game music


same :fr:

levan polkka

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Nuff said

blocks out the chaos of the seas
might not be able to say the same about if you actually play the game this came from

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yeah basically nine inch nails


I might listen to something else since none of these gives ocean vibes

Not sure if I’ll bother listening to my own music everytime, I might just stick to the game’s OST if it’s good enough
But if I listen to anything other than that, it’s probably going to be other games’ OST, mainly Kirby games, some Mario games like galaxy, Miitopia, remixes from Smash, etc.
Yes, I’m one of these people

I’m getting lazy so I might just put a random nintendo music compilation about whatever theme I’m going for
Right now I listen to this from time to time, judge me

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“vibe music” as a whole for me always seems to just be chiptune. groovy, jammin’, badass as fuck, but it’s not like. heavy or hardcore y’know (not usually anyway)

as for any specifics im not sure yet (might even fucking make one if i feel like it) but i’ll at least post what i’m listening to right now

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If I’m playing alone probably in-game music. It’s a bit of a hassle to put my own music on and it would fit very well.

If u go in with friend however, which is the plan, were probably gonna go with sea shanties.

But it will slowly devolve into SpongeBob music, I just know it will.


Shanties, lots of them.