What's is your favorite "Future content"

I’ll go first, I’m excited for the future upcoming ships. Ships despite their bugs are really cool. I’m hoping for more customization like vetex mentioned once last year with the captains quarters. I also hope we get more viable side ships (and older ships stay viable through different gimmicks) so by endgame everyone isn’t just using the latest ship and there is more variety to naval battles.


the mini bosses and the new islands of course

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Second awakening for savants, it’ll be our one moment in the sun before lost magics, fs, and weapon equivalents coming raining down on us.

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World content like legendary ships and minibosses


Lost magic. So that I can finally make my beloved slash conjurer

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I want sea monsters that you fight with your ship.

No, not “use hunting attachments”, I mean fire a fuckton of cannonballs into them

they ain’t upcoming, but they should!


sukuna build gonna go crazy ngl

Ive Never even watched jujutsu kaisen before I just find slash conjurers really appealing

The frigate.

Vetex gimped me with the brig, which I can accept but come on. And hopefully the non-zero probability that it would have a ram, though I would not be surprised it would not have one anyway.

Also blue fire lost magic so I can make my blue-red color scheme seem reasonable


Inferno magic :drooling_face:

Lost and Ancient Magics - I have an unhealthy obsession with making a sun/lunar/equinox mage

Listen, I really just want to be absurdly powerful in PVE. Gimme some lost magics pleeeassse.

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Technically he can make lost weapons and lost weapon skills (to replicate lost magic and lost spells)

legendary ships


Kingdom alignment and DS content

Ships definitely come to the mind. Lost and ancient magics, rare and lost spells too. Potion combining and higher tiers so I can unleash a calamity upon the seas.


I want my ironclad


Really looking forward to Clan building. Only Clan I’m really active in is a Merchant group, it’d be cool to set up little fortified trading stations.

The Player Fleet mechanic could play into this, too. Hire some Merchant boats to do my work for me.

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Oh yeah I forgot the player fleet.
Waiting for that one too

Legendary ships, I want to see if they’re as hard as vetex makes them out to be